To Identify Your Vision / Mission

We usually hear about the vision /mission statement at an organization level. Please consider yourself as an organization and start thinking about why you are here and what are your goals and responsibilities in this world.There is no right or wrong approach; each individual has his own goal /ambition/ aspiration in his life. Each individual goes through different circumstances and different incidents in his life. Some of the incidents profoundly impact and push him to pursue and achieve a particular goal.A relevant mission statement purely depends on your own constitution, on your life directing- decisions and daily choices that create more impact around you. I would like you to just sit down and ask yourself the following steps and write down whenever you feel comfortable.
Step1: Think of a person in history or who you have come across whom you admire. What are the quality, values, personality achievements you like the most in that person.
Step2: Define what type of person you want to become, not just what you want to achieve. Once we achieve something, there will be more goals. What is important is how you define yourself in-person type.
Step3: What role would you want to take up in your career, family & friend circles & explain how you want others to perceive you.
Step4: Write down your purpose considering Step 1 to Step 3.
Step 5: Define a specific goal you want to achieve and what is its purpose.
Step6: Write your personal mission statement ( Kokorozashi in Japanese), relating to all the 5 steps,
Realizing as earliest whether you are in right job.
After graduation, finding a job is significant because we are in a hurry to settle down after a long period of education exams. We tend to get pressure from parents to earn as soon as possible. More than finding a job, are we able secure right job. What is the right job? If they pay good that is enough ? Most people agree on this. Let’s look into that how we can evaluate ourselves.
Suppose I ask you about your level of satisfaction with your job. In that case, you might start thinking about many parameters, including how your work environment, co-workers, boss, company culture, and salary. Each person will give a different value to each topic.

I Identified some of the indicators to analyze and realize whether we are in the right job or not.
Meaningfulness : Is that your job gives meaning to the organization or society. whenever you work hard, will it be well recognized by your boss or colleagues and do you see this job experience grow yourself as a person

Stress level: Good stress is always better to grow within ourselves; it depends on what type of person you are and the kind of stress you are experiencing. If you carry too much pressure in work level, family level & personal health level you will burn out and lead to dissatisfaction. Stress is will be there with all level in our life, identify stress source from the job or personal level and then analyze whether it is controllable or not.

Communication: We are in a social work environment, it has to be good communication between you and your boss, and colleagues are critical, and you feel comfortable, secondly. How much do you think comfortable voicing your opinion and your organization will be valued?
Time for the family: Even though when you get your dream job, that is not everything in your life; you have friends and family who want to spend time with you. If the job doesn’t let you find the balance between work life and your personal life, then it is not the right job you may have to work.

Understanding your fitness level
Taking care of Health and fitness is a dynamic process; it keeps on changing as we change our lifestyle. We can make a huge difference in our lives by staying fit and healthy. Our sleeping routine, our thoughts, each day we should work towards maximising our health and wellness level to lead long.
Being healthy means having a healthy brain, flexible movement of the body, more energetic, happy moods, fitness does not only means your physical wellbeing, but it is also a combination of physical and mentally health person.
Every generation should take care of their health and fitness. Since childhood, it is easy to focus on this aspect of life as the dietary habits of youth are challenging to change afterwards. For this we should refrain from overfeeding the children. Some essential tips of good eating habits that one should follow are:
Following are the things that lead to the maintenance of a healthy and fit person:
Fitness routine : Each individual should focus on a defined time for daily exercise, as it directly affects a person’s mental and physical health.

Balanced nutritional food intake
One should concentrate on everything to eat and drink. A balanced diet that includes essential minerals, vitamins and proteins make a person healthy and fit.
Clean and tidy environment
We should make sure our surroundings are clean and fit to survive.
Take an appropriate amount of sleep
As per medical norms, each individual should take at least 8 hours of sleep.
Staying healthy and fit is not tricky if taken as the foremost priority. Maintaining balance of thoughts, nutritional diet, rigorous exercise, Yoga, optimum level of sleep are actually the main contributory factors for our wellbeing and a healthy and fit lifestyle. By following the above-mentioned simple steps, we can lead a healthy, fit and fruitful life.

How you can prepare for real life experience?
Experience more meaningful and better investment than stuff.To experience in your life follow some of the essential key points for a more profound, prosperous, and powerful life experience.
Listen to your voice of gut and logic will automatically
Trusting your intuitive voice allows you to weave together inspired work and even an inspired life. If you don’t know what you want, you’ve probably made things too complex or reasonable. Listen to the voice within, Follow even if that means only taking one step forwards.

We are really looking for experience
Rather than starting with a goal ask yourself,
“What is the experience I’m trying to have?”
“Is it Love and acceptance?“
“Is it feeling closer to God?“
“Is this having a healthy and strong body?“
Once you can answer this question, you can determine effective means for having the experience.
Experience makes us human; they are what makes life more meaningful. you can put a price tag on many things in life, but the specific expertise you can’t evaluate by price.
Consistently ask yourself, “What is the most excellent experience I could have in this situation?
Within every situation, there is a range of possibilities. Most people live beneath those possibilities, even though they are completely available. On a more superficial level, look around yourself right now. You are in a situation. Since you are reading these words, you are clearly looking at a screen. But what else is around you? How could you have the most excellent possible experience in your present situation?
Sometimes, it takes courage to create a fantastic experience. For example, you may want to genuinely tell a family member how much you love and appreciate them. This level of vulnerably and honesty may seem risky to you. However, suppose you muster the strength and act. In that case, you can radically alter the situation for the better and thus create a beautiful and powerful experience you may not have had.

How to maintain Healthy relationship with Family & Friends?
Any relationship plays very important role in our lives especially healthy connection with family is very much essential and we can not live without them. sometime we feel that when problems comes in relations and we prefer to be isolated and make independent life that is is only temporary feelings.
Biggest challenge is to maintain long run relation with Family, negligence against our relationship cause immense problems in our life.
Family members probably knows about you very well which no one ever will; they are the member advise and suggestion they knows what you want or what problem is haunting you always their opinion about your ability and capability.
In the same fashion, friends are major part of our life, The memories and chemistry we have with our school friends would never be the same with out college friends.
Friends are main pillars in our life, when ever feel happy or saddest moment in our life we prefer to share with close friends, you need to have minimum friends where you can share your feeling freely where you feel hesitate to share with your family members.
Connect them regularly.
In a current advanced technology you can easily connect through video chat easily, important thing is you need to be willing to spend time on them at least ew minutes will be more effective.

Spend quality time in positive way.
Plan & arrange quality time with them and make sure sharing with all positive thoughts rather than recalling negative incident and start blaming third part in your conversation will have always toxic environment.
Rememebrs their important dates
If you are able to wish them on their birthday could be one of the best approach, people admire those who remembers their birth day, nowadays you can easily recall from Facebook friends notification or even in your yearly calander planning you can just mark their birthday and wish them and praise them their achievement what ever profession they are in.

Be Kind with your Family & friends
Normally we try to takeout our frustration and anger those who are very close to us.also we tend to exchange caustic remarks with our closest friends. All these leads to further destruction of our relationship.
There is nothing better than kindness even our parents or elders are angry at us, it would fetch us more adoration and respect in the eyes of our family. Always find opportunities to show your kindness to your loved ones
Listen instead of speaking
Listening to others is most powerful way of enhancing our healthy relationship with friend and family. Always try to listen them first and reply appropriately and see things from their perspective.

Do not Argue over small issues
We always argue with friends and family over small matters without knowing the consequences.try to ignorte small bitter exchanges to prosper your relationship.
Give chance do not let them go
If some one not responding yours call they might going through worse than you. We live in society a world where we all are interconnected. So give a chance to improve healthy relation with friends and family.

Ways to improve your Financial situation
Have you experienced that when you look at our bank account, do you find yourself frustrated and wondering “ how do I handle finance matters?, do you think you need to improve our financial status, sure everyone experienced this and all of us wants to balance our financial situation in a better way.
There are some ways to to get control of your finance, The best thing about managing your money is that you can always turnaround.

Keep eye on your list of credit
In order to get control of your finance, you need to have starting point. You also need to know if there are debts affecting your credit score that aren’t even yours.
Define your financial goals
It is important know where to aim, it’s time to start thinking about your financial goals, In order to set those goals you need to figure out your priorities. It Involves determining what things are important to you and rank them.
Do you want to be debt free? Or save money for different care or house down payment ? Maybe you dream of retiring at a certain age or help your kids pay for college.
I like to choose one main goal on a time, and accomplish it before moving on the next. But do what works best for you. Even if it seems impossible right now, it’s so important that you believe you can accomplish your goals. Without that belief in yourself. You don’t stand chance.
Create household budget
Budgetting is not nearly as complicated as it sounds. A budget is just a plan for how you’ll spend your money. If you don’t have a plan, your money will just evaporate, and you will always be wondering were it went.

Learn to be content with less
You don’t actually need all the things you think you do. Your happiness can’t rely on spending money. We’re constantly being attracted with advertisements and they are designs to make us unhappy with our current situation. We need to be very careful the marketing structure they design all around us.
Earn extra money
If you really want to improve your financial situation quickly, the absolute quickest way to earn more money legally. Who knows, you might start earning more from your side business than you ever did at your regular job.

How we can Learning to learn?
Today in real world organization business environment constantly changing because of new technology emerging most all the industries need to prepare for the new business challenges. Those days are gone after the education we put a full stop and use education certificate for the sake of joining good companies then just focus on regular job activity.
Now it is the time when company try to change the business approach and changes in customer behaviour, we find huge skill gap between where company wants to move and the employee capability, positive side who are ready to learn new things and take responsibility to execute, he could be game changer in his personal life and also in professional life.
If we monitor in organization most of the time senior executive defend the changes because he has to learn new things and he is not ready to do. We could able to identify there are three types attributes. Aspiration, Curiosity and Vulnerability. They are all tolerate their own mistakes as move up the learning curve.There are simple mental tools anyone can develop to boost all attributes
It is very important to know whether you want to learn new skill or you don’t have an ambition and motivation. Great learners can raise their aspiration level that’s the key because everyone is guilty of sometimes resisting development that is critical to success.
Just imagine in your company if the situation comes that we need to implement new system that time Where you eager to go along with new system? I think most of the people hesitate immediately gives justification to why not possible. Giving some other execuses, we focus on the negative side with lack of Aspiration.
When we want learn something, we focus on the positive side.we focus what will gain from learning it.

Some people can increase their willingness to tackle necessary tasks by thinking about how they could do the work differently to make more interesting. Next time you’re asked to learn something at the office, or sense that you should because colleagues are doing so, encourage yourself to ask few curious questions about it – ‘Why are others so excited about this ? How might this makes my job easier ?
Once we become good or even excellent at some things, we rarely want to go back to being not good at other things. Great learners allow themselves to be vulnerable enough to accept that beginner state. In fact they become reasonably comfortable in it.